Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Here's my First

Hi, I’m Aliaa, probably some of you guys wouldn’t know me, and some do. To be honest, I actually don’t know what to expect from this class at first. Basic Helping Skills. Sounds simple enough. First impression on Dr. Fa was, she looked like a counselor to me, and indeed she was. I vaguely remembered our first energizer when she stepped in. Was it the Gummy Bear? Hahaha. So far so good. I learnt a lot on techniques of being a counselor. Although this job is highly underrated, and the society doesn’t really care or knows that counselors exist or serve a purpose in the society, (which was my thoughts too) but I came to know a lot about counseling and how it affects the lives of people. All our subjects are related somehow, and we learnt how humans work, basically, and why they act the way they did. However, most importantly is that you don’t need a reason to help someone and that even the smallest of things could be a good deed or a form of help. The first few weeks had been hectic, with us not fully adapting to our situation and familiarizing ourselves with the ways and the life of a university student. Although I’ve yet to remember everybody’s names but I’m pretty sure I know every face there is in class. About the syllabus, I can say that it’s actually very useful to us, not only as a fellow helper, but also as a human being. The DASIE model for example is an excellent guide for helpers. Although I think that mainly we use PCT or Person-Centered Theory or also known as Rogerian Theory in our daily lives as it does not require any specific techniques and what not, I think CBT is more relatable to me. Why? First of all, it is true that how we think and how we perceive a situation determines how we feel towards it; and our mind is the only thing we can control. There’s a saying quoted by Buddha, “The Mind is everything, what you think you become.” It is proven that having a positive attitude towards will attract positive outcomes and we will be happier in the process. So instead of finding the wrong or blaming someone else, how about we change how we think and act towards the situation, thus we won’t have to suffer greatly. What do you guys think? Give me your honest opinion on this in the comments. Thanks.
-Aliaa Maisarah binti Yusof-


Monday, 30 October 2017

My Thoughts On Basic Helping Skills Class

          Hello everyone. I am Nur Ashikin. Probably one of the quietest in the class that I am not sure if you guys know that I existed. Pardon my joke if it is not funny. I am here to share my thoughts on the class that we are currently attending in our first semester which is the Basic Helping Skills class. At first, I don’t understand why should we learn about helping people when it is actually something that we had done in our daily life. I mean, even a 3 years old would be able to do it. So, basically what’s on my mind was probably this class is going to be like the boring usual class in our secondary school. Here are my thoughts after attending the class for a while now.

On my first class for this subject, the mentality I had was like the one I had stated until, our lecturer, Dr. Fa came in and we start to do the ice breaking activity. I was very nervous that my hands felt cold, sometimes I felt like my stomach was rumbling and it hurts. Not because I was hungry but, it was all caused by my nervousness. The introduction of ourselves was very interesting. One of the question was “what is your specialty?”, sounds like a simple question isn’t it. This was the hardest question for me, because I am a boring person. Unlike my other classmates, they had the talent to play instruments, they can sing and the list goes on. I had never thought very hard on myself on what my specialty was. So, I decided to tell the class something I can do for others and something I am known to be good at. Well, I told them my specialty is that I am good listener instead of telling what my talent is. I find it to be kind of weird because it was so different from others.

Next, on the last week 7 of our semester it was the due date for my individual assignment. Of course, I am a bit excited I guess as it is my first individual assignment to be submitted. I want to talk about how I felt about completing the individual assignment. I absolutely love the assignment because I think I am free to tell the lecturer about myself. It was as if there is no restriction to what you want to write about and one thing I wish about the assignment was that I would love it more if it has no restriction on the number of the pages allowed. When I completed the assignment, I just realized on how much I had done good deeds on a particular day even without I realized. At first, receiving the three good things exercise was a bit of a challenge to me. Because, I thought of on how people would react to it and another thing I thought of is to smile at stranger especially the cleaners. I am prone to think of the bad feedback I would get from people but, I was completely wrong. So, this actually taught me to do good things voluntarily and it won’t hurt to do good things.

Finally, I am excited of awaiting the days coming to be in this class. My thoughts on the class had completely changed as I learnt this class taught me the skills on how to be a professional helper and not just a helper like I had imagined before. So, I think things and the coming assignments is going to be very interesting and I am looking forward to accomplished what ever it is given to me.





Hai semuanya dan salam perkenalan 😄😄. Banyak pengalaman yang saya peroleh dari hari pertama kelas Basic Helping skill sampailah ke hari ini. Pada hari pertama kelas basic helping skills lagi saya berasa sangat gementar kerana saya sesat mencari kelas. Saya bingung mencari mana Bilik Tutorial 1 sampailah saya terjumpa kakak senior yang tolong tunjuk arah kelas itu. Sampai saja ke kelas, saya masih lagi berasa gementar sebab saya belum tahu lagi siapa lecturer yang akan mengajar kelas itu. Banyak yang saya fikir dalam kepala otak saya. Sebaik sahaja Dr. Fa masuk ke kelas, saya berasa lega kerana sebaik saja beliau masuk ke dalam kelas, beliau terus senyum. Rupa-rupanya beliau seorang yang peramah dan sporting. Kemudian kami diminta untuk memperkenalkan diri dan kelebihan diri masing-masing. Kelas basic helping skills ini telah mengajar saya banyak benda iaitu menolong dan ditolong. Sejujurnya saya seorang yang tidak suka menolong orang melainkan orang itu betul-betul terdesak meminta pertolongan. Namun, selepas saya belajar proses menolong dan ditolong serta apa kebaikkan yang kita dapat selepas menolong orang, saya mula menjadi seorang yang suka menolong orang walaupun pertolongan itu tidaklah sebesar mana pun. Apa yang penting ialah perasaan gembira yang saya dapat selepas menolong itu. Kemudian saya mula mempratikkannya dalam kehidupan seharian saya. Selain itu, saya juga telah mempelajari macam mana saya hendak mengawal tahap kemarahan saya kerana sebelum ini saya seorang yang kuat melenting. Namun setelah saya masuk kelas basic helping skills ini, ia mengubah cara saya berfikir dan juga bagaimana saya mengawal kelakuan saya. Last but not least, I am Proud to be one of the counselling student. 😀😀.

Anastasia Esmerillda Anak Modun                                                                  (60272)                     

Hidup Kaunseling

Hi, my name is Marsya Nurafiqah binti Mohamad Abdul Karim, people called me by my first name. and i like my everyday cheers which sounds like Hep Hep Happy Kawak. Proudly I say, I came from Mukah with a big smile to gain more knowledge day by day. and guess what yeayy for me that i understand what counselling is all about. Having a first thought that counselling is something like advices and motivations.
      So here is my experiences from the first day i start counselling course. I remember when my friends and i going to class early because during MAP we find our faculty a little bit far from our college. As a student, punctual at time is necessary but lately our sleep schedule not like we planned. Since we woke up early, it was amazing that on our first week we did not started class session. We had 3 hours knowing new friends on theories class with Dr. Jam. Also, we only had 1 hour class with Dr. Norsiah. and what is amazing on the first week, we did not going back to college. my friends and i slept in surau.
      Second week of lecture we still have free times and all the assignments had been told but students tend to procrastinate and we had a very bad week at the end of mid-semester break. We thought our group was the last one to submit suprisingly, we saw some group submit on the next day of submission date. Well maybe they had the skills to persuade the lecturer real pro.
      I am grateful that i am in the land of knowledge that people struggled to get into now days. Also. i am surprised how amazing this course change the way i think, controlling my emotions and even my perceptions on every human. Hearing Dr.Fa telling her past experienced on counselling session really opened my eyes that everyone need someone to help them to get out something which is us as future counsellor. and here i am fighting with my ego seeking more and more knowledge everyday. Thank you everyone for always been there to help me even telling me where is the computer lab and the other room at the faculty.I LOVE ALL OF YOU.


Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Pengalaman hari pertama di Unimas & Sepanjang minggu MAP

     Hai kawan-kawan, hari ini saya mahu berkongsi mengenai pengalaman saya semasa hari pertama berada di UNIMAS dan disepanjang minggu MAP. Saya telah menerima tawaran dalam program kaunseling selama 4 tahun di UNIMAS. Pada mulanya, saya rasa bersyukur juga kerana tidak  menyambung pelajaran di tempat jauh. Walaupun jarak dari Miri ke Kuching agak jauh namun saya rasa bersyukur kerana masih berada di dalam negeri kelahiran sendiri. Pada 4 September 2017, saya telah mendaftarkan diri di UNIMAS. Saya telah di sambut baik oleh abang-abang dan kakak-kakak LO yang menanti di International Airport Kuching. Pada masa itu, saya hanya datang bersama kawan-kawan dan tiada seorang ahli keluarga pun yang menghantar saya. Saya amat berterima kasih kepada pihak UNIMAS pada masa itu kerana menyediakan pengangkutan bas dan sudi membantu membawa bagasi dan beg yang banyak. Saya rasa, jika tiada bantuan pada masa itu sudah pasti saya perlu bersusah payah mengangkut beg yang berat ke kolej kediaman. Saya berjaya mendaftarkan diri di Kolej Bunga Raya. Saya berasa sungguh letih pada hari tersebut kerana hanya seorang diri untuk mengurus segala keperluan. Namun, saya berasa puas ati dan gembira kerana tiada sebarang halangan atau masalah yang berlaku. Pada keesokan harinya pendaftaran pelajar masih dijalankan dan pada petang tersebut minggu MAP pun bermula. Apa yang saya ingin kongsikan adalah pengalaman yang masih saya ingat sepanjang minggu MAP. Pengalaman yang paling meletihkan adalah apabila kami perlu berjalan kaki dari BRC pergi ke DeTAR Putra dengan berjalan kaki. Mengikut kiraan saya lebih kurang mengambil masa sebanyak 30 minit untuk sampai disana. Sudahlah terpaksa berjalan kaki selama seminggu MAP dijalankan. Saya berasa sangat letih. Selain itu, kami telah menerima banyak input dan maklumat melalui slot-slot yang disediakan sepanjang minggu MAP dan masa juga diisi dengan refreshment dan LDK. Bukan itu sahaja, kami disemangatkan dengan sorakan-sorakan mengikut kolej kediaman masing-masing. Suasana yang amat riuh dengan semangat yang ditunjukkan oleh para pelajar yang membuat sorakan. Semua kolej bersikap tidak mahu kalah dan masing-masing bersaing untuk menjadi kolej dengan sorakan yang terbaik. Walaupun berasa letih pada setiap hari dan terpaksa tidur 3-4 jam sahaja sehari namun kami semua telah memperoleh satu pengalaman yang mungkin tidak dapat dilupakan sepanjang berada di UNIMAS baik pun di alam perkerjaan nanti. Kenangan pada masa minggu MAP yang tidak dapat dilupakan dengan pelbagai suka duka perkara yang berlaku. Demikian sahaja, serba sedikit pengalaman saya semasa hari pertama di UNIMAS dan sepanjang minggu MAP.Sekarang, saya rasa telah sepenuhnya menyesuaikan diri di UNIMAS.

Martha Joseph,

Sunday, 22 October 2017

My Experiences in Counselling Courses and Basic Helping Skills Classes

HELLO EVERYBODY!!! Kopisanangan. My name is Aruna Rauna Duamit and people used to call me Unang. Currently I am studying at UNIMAS, Sarawak and take counselling course. Here, I want to share to you guys what I felt along being in this course, by attending basic helping skills’s classes from beginning until now. First and foremost, before I studied here, I did not even expect I’ve been chosen as one of the counselling’s student because to be honest, counselling was not my first choice in UPU but there is nothing to worry about, now I realize I tend to love this course day by day .
            On my first day at class, I am so curious since I did not even know who will be my lecturer and classmates. After entering the class, I just knew several people because we have been in the same college before, which include Emma, Martha and Khai. We started our basic helping class in the second week so at that time I am so excited to know who will teach me this subject. My feeling was mixed at that time, especially I am so scared if I got a strict lecturer, but thanks God, I got this cute, friendly and kind lecturer, known as Dr.Fa.
Being in her class really taught me many things, one of it was how to understand and helping others is a must in our daily life. I gained this kind of knowledge when I was in this class. I think I fell in love with this subject because on our first day of class, Dr. Fa asked us to dance before proceed to the syllabus. It quite fun even I am not really into that kind of things but why not, everybody did it and enjoyed. After finished my one week in this course, I think it is normal if I felt stressed sometimes because there were too many assignments to do not only for basic helping skill’s subject but also for other subjects  and the dateline always haunting me around because I am the one who kind of last minute’s person. In this situation, I then realized that I have to be alert and diligent so that I can overcome my stress and always having positive vibes in this course.

Last but not least, I am so happy even sometimes I was like questioning my self why I have to take this course, but that communication’s skills in me really gave such a huge impact until I got confidence to be in this course to help the needy. Cannot wait to learn more about counselling.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Hari Pertama Kelas 'Basic Helping Skills'

Assalamulaikum dan hi semua. Saya ingin berkongsi perasaan saya bagi kelas basic helping pertama saya. Pada hari tersebut saya rasa saya yang terawal sampai di kelas tetapi sangkaan itu meleset sama sekali. Dalam kelas tersebut ada beberapa orang dah sampai lagi awal dari saya. Mungkin mereka juga gemuruh sama seperti apa yang saya rasa. Pagi itu kami sampai kira-kira setengah jam awal ke kelas. Kami tak becakap banyak sebab kami tidak mengenali antara satu sama lain lagi. Saya hanya mengenali beberapa orang sahaja kerana mereka merupakan rakan saya semasa satu matrikulasi dulu.
Masa menunggu kedatangan pensyarah, saya berfikir ‘bagaimanakah penyarah itu nanti?’. ‘Adakah beliau seorang yang tegas? Ataupun garang?’. Banyak perkara yang bermain di minda saya semasa menanti kedatangan Beliau. Apabila masa telah tiba, kelas sudah pun ramai dengan pelajar yang memilih kelas beliau. Beliau pun telah pun tiba. Saya agak gemuruh juga pada masa tu tetapi apabila saya nampak beliau, beliau amat baik dan saya sangat menyukai kelas beliau.
Pada kelas pertama, seperti biasa yang akan dilakukan adalah sesi perkenalkan diri.  Pada ketika itu kami baru sahaja dua minggu mendaftar di UNIMAS jadi ramai orang baru dan pelbagai bangsa yang baru yang kami ketahui. Setelah selesai sesi perkenalkan diri kami memulakan sesi pembelajaran iaitu pengenalan bagi apa itu basic helping. Apa yang kami perlu tahu sebagai seorang ‘helper’. Kami juga perlu tahu apa itu sesi pertolongan. Sesi pembelajaran pada hari itu berjalan sangat baik kerana terdapat beberapa orang yang memberi tindk balas yang baik apabila ditanya soalan.
Bagi saya, setiap orang tahu apa itu ‘helping’ tetapi sebagai seorang kaunselor terlatih yang baru banyak perkara yang perlu dipelajari dan difahami mengenai teknik-teknik dan skill yang lebih efektif bagi seseorang kaunselor. Itu sahaja dari saya. Saya berharap saya dapat mengasah teknik-teknik tersebut dalam mempelajari bidang ini. Terima kasih juga kepada rakan-rakan yang lain yang sangat proaktif dalam memberi pertolongan tidak kisah dalam keadaan sedar atau tidak,


Tuesday, 10 October 2017

FIRST POST : My First Class Basic Helping Skill

My First Class Basic Helping Skill

Hiiii everyone… I am the first year of counselling student. First time enter the class which my lecture is Dr. Fatahyah, I was felt nervous and worried because the Dr.Fatahyah was look like so serious. After finish the class, I feel that the Dr. Fatahyah is so friendly and easy to communicate. The first thing that we do is to introduce ourselves to lecture.  Then, we was did a dance to become more active, relax and enjoy the class to avoid felt sleepy.
            At that day, I was learned what is helper, helping, and helpee. In my understanding, helper is the people who help the people who need the help. Helping is the process to help another people and the helpee is the people who get the help. Besides, I also have learn about the counsellor, we must always smile when see another people to show our sincerely.
            Dr. Fatahyah also asked us to do the three good things. This is a part of assignment. At that situation, I was thought, “did I have do a good things in my daily life?” This question was in my mind. Then, Dr. Fatahyah was explained that we have does the good things. Only ourselves didn’t know that we did it such as we smile at another people. It is also a good thing that was said by lecture. Lecture also said, we do the good things didn’t need some feedback whether in form of money or object because we do the good things for ourselves and not for another. We do this thing with sincerely and the people who get it, it is his or her benefits.
            I was started to do the part of good things for assignment in a week. I feel so interest with this thing. This type of assignment will increase our confident level and sincerely to the people that need help. From this part of assignment, we must help people who need help such as when the stranger people ask us the direction of his or her destination, we should help them sincerely to show that we have a good intention.
            In short, from I had learned in the class and the assignment, I was learned about what is the professional helping and skills. Besides, I now know more about myself which in attitude, behaviour and other. Thank You For Read..
Joseph Lee



Hello everyone! I am the first year of counselling student. When I was in semester one, there are many unforgettable memories that happened in the class of Basic Helping Skill.
First time I enter the class, it was very hot because the aircorn was not opened and feel difficult to breathe. I feel afraid because I don't know who was the lecturer who teach me for Basic Helping Skill. When I see our lecturer,  my first impression of Dr Fathayah was looking friendly and smiling lecturer whom was the type of lecturer that I prefer to. Before we started the class ,Dr Fathayah want all of us to introduce ourselves and asking for our strengths. At that time, i feel nervous because i am the person who was easily to feel nervous when someone ask me to talk and present in front of the lecturer and coursemates. This is because in that time, i don't know my strength is what actually. After hearing the strengths from my coursemates, their strengths are more related to help people but for me, I said out my strength is I can playing the badminton very well. After this, Dr asked me did you think you are the best badminton player? I answer the question confidently to the lecturer. Actually, I feel unconfident when i said that my strength was no related to help people but this was my strength. In the introducing session, I know the background and the strengths from my coursemates and make friends with them.
My first impression of counselling was give direct-advicing to the client. But after i attend the class of Basic Helping Skill, when we do the counselling session, we cannot give a advice to our client but give them more choices for them to think about their problems. When I finish the class of Basic helping skill, Dr Fathayah teached us many skill in helping person in counselling session that can help us to conduct the counselling session what we can do and cannot do for the client. In that time, I just know as a caunselor, we cannot give the direct advice  to our client, we also cannot push or force the client to speak out their issues when there don't want to share with us. Besides that, caunselor must be a good listener when the counselling session is going on. During the counselling session, we must build up the relationship with the client, so that the client will believe in us and they can feel relax to share their issues to us.
I want to say a big thank you to my lecturer who teaching us the helping skill and share the experiences in counselling session an. In the other way, I also want to say thank you to my coursemates because they are the person who always help me in the individual assignment for giving me the idea and for the group assignment, my group members also help me in any difficulties in me so that I can finish my assignments before the due date to perform the good marks.
Last but not least, I will end my text by saying a big thank you to my coursemates and lecturer. Thank you very much.
