Hi, I’m Aliaa, probably some of you guys wouldn’t know me,
and some do. To be honest, I actually don’t know what to expect from this class
at first. Basic Helping Skills. Sounds simple enough. First impression on Dr.
Fa was, she looked like a counselor to me, and indeed she was. I vaguely
remembered our first energizer when she stepped in. Was it the Gummy Bear? Hahaha.
So far so good. I learnt a lot on techniques of being a counselor. Although this
job is highly underrated, and the society doesn’t really care or knows that
counselors exist or serve a purpose in the society, (which was my thoughts too)
but I came to know a lot about counseling and how it affects the lives of
people. All our subjects are related somehow, and we learnt how humans work,
basically, and why they act the way they did. However, most importantly is that
you don’t need a reason to help someone and that even the smallest of things
could be a good deed or a form of help. The first few weeks had been hectic,
with us not fully adapting to our situation and familiarizing ourselves with
the ways and the life of a university student. Although I’ve yet to remember
everybody’s names but I’m pretty sure I know every face there is in class. About
the syllabus, I can say that it’s actually very useful to us, not only as a
fellow helper, but also as a human being. The DASIE model for example is an
excellent guide for helpers. Although I think that mainly we use PCT or Person-Centered
Theory or also known as Rogerian Theory in our daily lives as it does not
require any specific techniques and what not, I think CBT is more relatable to
me. Why? First of all, it is true that how we think and how we perceive a situation
determines how we feel towards it; and our mind is the only thing we can control.
There’s a saying quoted by Buddha, “The Mind is everything, what you think you
become.” It is proven that having a positive attitude towards will attract
positive outcomes and we will be happier in the process. So instead of finding
the wrong or blaming someone else, how about we change how we think and act
towards the situation, thus we won’t have to suffer greatly. What do you guys
think? Give me your honest opinion on this in the comments. Thanks.
-Aliaa Maisarah binti Yusof-