Individual assignment and group assignment experiences :)
For the individual assignments, it is really help me a lot. It help me discover about myself. In the individual assignment, I was ask to write about myself, my family, my education backgroud, my own behavior and the way I manage them.. Before this I thought that we have to include the theory that we have learn and how we used them for ourself in the individual assignment. Im actually have done that part then after that I know that we don’t need to include it in our individual assignment. Actually that part have help me a lot to know what are the events that have changed me before this. Im using CBT. For that I learn a lot about CBT, I read a lot about it and it helps me to think positive. Alhamdullilah after that it helps me on the way I think and affect my emotion and action. Now I was aware of my kind of thought and try to control the automatic thought that is sometimes not good for myself. As I write, I can figure out my own behavior and know myself better. I also knew how am I able to manage my own behavior. What kind of actions that I have take. It is good if we know about ourself. Within that we can find a way to improved it. We are required to do three good things in a day for 7 days. Within that it help me to become a helper and I have the opportunities to help people. I tend to do a good things and now I want to keep that as my routine. By doing good things in a day can makes my day. Its have a different feelings that we get when we are helping people. Helping others is also helpful for us to be a good person. Last but not least, this assignment is a good start for us in order to become a good counsellors. This is because we as a counsellors need to understand our own self before we understand others. As for the group assignment, of course one thing that I have learned is the important of the teamwork. Each member in the group need to actively involved in order to produce a good story for the video. For the group assignment we are required to make a 20 minutes video and need to include the techniques, skills, theory that we have learnt in the class. I love to do this assignment because I love in acting. So Im just like into the character and want to do the best for my group members. I also get to know my friends that is the same group with me as we are working together to make a videos. We do have fun and enjoy the moments we are having togehter in order to make the video.

Lets get through together in this hard journey..