Tuesday, 6 December 2016

what i have learned in basic helping class


first of all lets me introduce my self my name is gozzie george i came from sabah and 20 years old. I glad that having chance to share what i have leaned in BHS class.

this is my picture with australian tourist 

what i learned in BHS class

okay!!!! lets me tell about what i learn is BHS  class . my first impression of counselling is giving advice and suggestion but i really wrong about that. counsellor is are giving guide the client to solve their own problem. but i realize that helping session is giving advice but no counselling session. other than that what i learn i class is using skill and technique in counselling session. i realize that using skill in session is very important to reduce silent and make client to think and realize their own problem. i'm right.

from this picture if have are client that need help but not counselling session i will say that i'm on stage of ,saya  akan buat. how about you all friend please comment that where stage you are right now. i say that i can do it because i haven learn in basic helping skill i have learn of skill that reduce to make the people that i help to think and solve their own problem. other than that i say it because if we do not do it when we all to start do it.

other than that i realize that my class is very friendly and it make me happy in class that make me want to attend the class all the time. but what i get  from this class is i get are friend that very supporting and make more motivate in class and not in class of bhs only but in other class. i hope that we all will maintain this environment in next class. whatever the class in the next time.

the last is, i had do it the live session in front of the class it make me more motivate and make me realize that how to do are session. if not do it in front of the class i did't know if i have the experience to do it with client in the next time. a lot of thank you to DR fa because teach me in BHS class and to all my friend in BHS class thank you.



1 comment:

  1. The same goes to me where is right now I am at a stage of "saya akan buat". From BHS class also i've learn a lot of comparison between advicing with the counselling sessions that definitely consists of different technique and skills in there.
